Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'll just make a quick update on what's been happening in my oh-so-boring life.
I sketched the picture above since it looks cool. Haha! I think I need more practice on sketching lips though, but overall, it looks good to me. Haha! I'm going to try to sketch more since I have not done it for a while. I still love it. It's one of my hobbies. Ok I'm rambling. Never mind. Moving on.
I got a letter I was hoping would not come and got to know that I'm going to NS around September in Police. That means, I have around 4 more months of freedom to enjoy and to keep fit too. I'm not sure what to expect but I know it's going to be hell in there. Hopefully I can cope with lots of prayers and having faith that I can get through this phase of my life for the next 2 years or so.
So ya. That's about it. I guess I'm looking forward to the latest movie of Harry Potter coming out in July. That would be so exciting! I'm stoked just watching the trailer alone. Haha!
Until here then. Bye! Nash out! :D
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Movie reviews
Hey peeps!
So, today my family decided to go out and watch the movie, Knowing, starring Nicolas Cage since the trailer looked pretty interesting and all. It all started well, with the audience already intrigued and causing the audience to grip on their seats almost immediately because of the mystery and suspense.
The story starts with this girl called Lucinda who kept hearing whispers by an unknown source. Actually, the whole class was supposed to draw their vision for the future and place them in a time capsule which would be opened 50 years later. However, she just wrote numbers on her paper and 50 years later, it got into the hands of Nicolas' son. Feeling curious, Nicolas decided to randomly pick a set of numbers and see what it meant. Finding out that the numbers were linked to a big disaster in a particular year, he tried to find a pattern and true enough he did. There were only 3 more disasters which have yet to occur, and he tried his best to stop them.
However, HOWEVER, the ending of the story spoiled the whole thing. Want to know what? Well, you have to watch it. Haha! The ending is totally unexpected. WHAT THE FISH MAN. Anyway, I just give it 3.5 out of 5 stars, since the special effects are awesome. Haha!

I planned to watch this when it came out in cinemas last time but I did not manage to catch it. So, when it was aired on TV just now, I felt happy. Haha! Anyway, I totally love the movie and how the whole cast is being put together with Academy-Award winner, Meryl Streep and the sweet Anne Hathaway as the lead roles. It's a fun movie where you get to see how the fashion business is like and the different lifestyles people working in this line are leading.
Also, it shows you how to deal with difficult people, in this case, the Devil herself played by Meryl and learning how to balance your life well socially. Overall, I love it. Haha!
So there. Haha! By the way, Graduation Day for me is May 12th, a Tuesday. Gosh! It has been three years already in poly? Man. Haha!
Until here then. Bye! Nash out! :D
So, today my family decided to go out and watch the movie, Knowing, starring Nicolas Cage since the trailer looked pretty interesting and all. It all started well, with the audience already intrigued and causing the audience to grip on their seats almost immediately because of the mystery and suspense.
The story starts with this girl called Lucinda who kept hearing whispers by an unknown source. Actually, the whole class was supposed to draw their vision for the future and place them in a time capsule which would be opened 50 years later. However, she just wrote numbers on her paper and 50 years later, it got into the hands of Nicolas' son. Feeling curious, Nicolas decided to randomly pick a set of numbers and see what it meant. Finding out that the numbers were linked to a big disaster in a particular year, he tried to find a pattern and true enough he did. There were only 3 more disasters which have yet to occur, and he tried his best to stop them.
However, HOWEVER, the ending of the story spoiled the whole thing. Want to know what? Well, you have to watch it. Haha! The ending is totally unexpected. WHAT THE FISH MAN. Anyway, I just give it 3.5 out of 5 stars, since the special effects are awesome. Haha!

I planned to watch this when it came out in cinemas last time but I did not manage to catch it. So, when it was aired on TV just now, I felt happy. Haha! Anyway, I totally love the movie and how the whole cast is being put together with Academy-Award winner, Meryl Streep and the sweet Anne Hathaway as the lead roles. It's a fun movie where you get to see how the fashion business is like and the different lifestyles people working in this line are leading.
Also, it shows you how to deal with difficult people, in this case, the Devil herself played by Meryl and learning how to balance your life well socially. Overall, I love it. Haha!
So there. Haha! By the way, Graduation Day for me is May 12th, a Tuesday. Gosh! It has been three years already in poly? Man. Haha!
Until here then. Bye! Nash out! :D
The David Archuleta Experience - Part 2

When I came back from the autograph session, my whole body was aching, so I did not know whether I would be able to hold on for the Private Meet and Greet (M&G) the next day. Therefore, I decided to sleep early to rest and set my alarm clock to ensure I woke up early.
My body felt slightly better the next day but I could still feel some aches but I managed to endure as they were not as bad as the day before. I got ready and packed my stuff before heading to City Hall MRT to meet the other lucky Archies before heading towards the hotel together for the Meet. At this point, I was still calm. It's just David. What could happen?
Once we reached the hotel, we proceeded to a room which had a "Private Meeting" sign placed outside. Larissa, one of the lucky Archies, set up her camera so she could take beautiful pictures of the moments with David. Everyone was starting to feel jittery as the time approached. He was supposed to meet us between 12 and 12.15 in the afternoon.
Soon, Ray, his tour manager came by to check out some things and Sheryl, the vice-president of, suddenly blurted, "Oh my fish!". He merely turned and looked at the lot and said, "What?". Haha! It was a classic moment.
Suddenly, I heard some murmurings that David was already inside the room as he came from the door in the room (sneaky sneaky). Haha! It's understandable. As the door opened and closed, I saw a glimpse of him in a red shirt. I was pretty excited but nervous at the same time all of a sudden. Haha! The hotel staff was inside the room so we had to wait a while before we were given the green light. As some of the hotel ladies left the room, they were secretly spazzing but were trying to hide it. Haha! Typical, huh?
Soon, we were allowed to go in and I was the last to enter the room. He greeted us happily with that big, killer smile of his and is hands behind his back.
"Hey guys! How are you guys doing?"
"We are doing good!"
We placed our stuff on the floor and took pictures with him one by one. One of his funny, random comments was "That's a tiny jacket" when he took a picture with a girl because of what she was wearing. I'm not sure how to describe it but it's those jackets where it's only until chest. Haha! That was another classic moment.
When it was my turn, I said hi to him in which he replied back with a joyful "Hi!" in return and we took a couple of pictures. At that point, I could not believe I was standing beside him. It was a surreal moment. After that, I thanked him which he replied with, "Oh, you are welcome" and that smile again.
After the pictures were taken, each of us took turns again to talk to him and give him whatever we wanted to give him. Haha! When my turn approached, I walked up to him and gave him the Running wallpaper which Wincy, a Hong Kong Archie, printed for me the last time.
"Hey, this is a Running wallpaper I made."
"Oh wow, cool!"
"And here is a sketch I made of you. Could you sign it for me?"


"Wincy and who?" -confused look- (I almost died here. Sorry random.)
"Wincy and Hippie."
"Oh ok."
As such, he got ready and smiled to the camera.
"Ok, ready, 1, 2, 3"
Here's the short clip. I love this moment.
After everyone met him, we showed him the Singapore banner and he was like "Aww cool! Who designed this?"and I raised my hand slowly. He looked at me for a moment before looking back at it and said "Awesome!". Then we took a group picture!

After that, the peeps showed him the video which they made using his songs and gave him a CD which consisted of piano covers of his songs and the peeps singing it. David was really touched by it and Sheryl was quite emotional since she started the whole project as he was viewing the video. He consoled her by saying "Aww! Don't cry!" and held her close for a moment. It was really touching.
Soon, it was time for David to leave. Everyone bidded goodbye to him and he gave one last hug to Larissa (he should know her by now) before heading out of the room. Out of nowhere, everyone heaved sighs of happiness and some even burst into tears, still not accepting the fact we had met the boy wonder himself. We applauded for the President and Vice-President, Fifi and Sheryl for making this possible for all of us. After that, another group picture!

We soon had lunch and just spazzed more about David. Haha! It was great fun hanging out with other Archies!
In conclusion, I had fun during these past two days! I would never forget the experiences I had, fostering new bonds and making more friends, especially the International Archies! Thank you, peeps, Dada, DL, Aura, Sharan and Prince for letting me meet you guys in person! You guys rock!
Also, meeting David himself was once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! If I get the chance to meet him again, I would try and chat more with him without trying to stone and blank out. Haha!
So, here are my experiences! I hope you guys enjoyed reading them! Until here then. Bye! Nash out! David FTW! :D
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The David Archuleta Experience

It took me a while before I can finally blog about my experience with the boy wonder himself, David Archuleta! I'm still a little too not over it till now, but it may be a good thing. Haha!
All right, so first off.
April 7th.
It was the day where David was to have an autograph session at Iluma, a new shopping mall opposite Bugis Junction here in Singapore. I arrived at around 1pm an

I looked around for familiar faces before Larissa, an Archie, called out to me. And so, I joined them with someone shouting my name, Zaren, loudly to the others since I designed the banner for ( and the free handheld fans for TeamArchie before I sat down. Thankfully, I was one of the first few in line.
Some Archies, whom I chatted wit

As time passed by till around 4pm, more people started joining in the queue. Most of them consisted of students who came down straight from school. The peeps then decided to show the banner which I designed for them. The crowd cheered and clapped and cameras were immediately taken out and picture

Feeling the excitement, all stood up and started heading for the doors. Security was tight so one by one, each fan entered the mall and after the quick inspection of our Archie CDs, we sat down in front of the stage. There was still some time, so I took some pictures inside the mall. Songs from Archie's album started playing, so the crowd grooved and sang along. It was a fun atmosphere.
Soon, it was close to 7pm, the time David was supposed to appear. The emcee for the evening just reminded us to be careful and not push each other when David arrives later as there were kids in the crowd too and they want the event to run smoothly without anyone getting hurt. Even then, the whole crowd was stoked and pumped to see him with the loud cheers as they started to stand. The energy coming from the crowd was massive. Besides the 1st level, there were also people near the rails on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th storeys of the mall. The event was huge!
Suddenly, the crowd screamed loudly when the emcee announced his name again a few minutes later and I turned to see if he had arrived from the back entrance. Cameras were all ready to snap pictures of him above the heads of the crowd. There were more screamings before I finally caught sight of him as he waved to the crowd and headed towards a room first. Everyone waited in anticipation. The Meet and Greet sessions were going on at that time with some fans entering and leaving the room.
After that, the emcee announced his name again and I became deaf instantly with the really high pitched screamings from the girls behind me. As he walked out of the room and waved, he went up on stage. He was wearing a blue shirt with a tie, jeans and white sneakers. I could not believe who I was seeing. It was him. REALLY HIM.
The song played and he started singing Touch My Hand. I was smiling all the way as I recorded the video for that performance. Unfortunately, I did not record the rest of the performances as I had some technical errors that morning with my digital camera (long story). However, I managed to snap pictures for the rest of the performances.
He sang A Little Too Not Over You soon after, followed by a Thousand Miles on the electric piano and finally the hit song, Crush. He totally rocked that stage and kept hopping up and down at certain times but I could tell he was having fun. What's more, it was different to see him sing him live than seeing him sing on television. No word could describe how he performed and sang the songs live. It was incredible and sensational. I was blown away.
However, this was where it started to get ugly for me. My arms were aching from holding up the camera too long and the pictures I snapped kept turning out blur.
"Dang! Dang!"
"Oh crap! Crap!"
I kept muttering those words above angrily to myself when snapping the pictures as he performed but I tried my best to control my shakiness of holding the camera in order to prevent more blur pictures from being snapped. I mean, who wouldn't shake, when David Archuleta is performing right in front of your eyes for the first time? Well, I did.
After the performances, there were more cheers and screamings and I almost could not hear myself speak. Haha! Soon, the autograph session started and one by one in order, went up on stage to have our CD booklets signed by David. Each one was ushered quickly out of the stage as there was a huge crowd and they wanted him to sign as many autographs as he could.
When it was my turn, my CD booklet was given to him. As he signed, I just watched closely and after he was done, I took it from him and thanked him as I held out my hand. He looked at me blurly for a second before smiling and replied, "Oh, you are welcome" with his green eyes meeting mine for a couple of seconds and shook my hand firmly. He was seriously friendly and polite!
I think he was spacing out for a moment when he was signing my CD booklet. Haha! Anyway, his eyes were one of a kind. They showed sincerity and compassion, although it was only a quick glimpse. I would never forget those eyes.
Anyway, I shall stop here for the moment. Next up, April 8th. Until then. Nash out! :D
Friday, April 03, 2009
Hey peeps!
Today, I would be talking about kids in general since I have noticed a certain trend in them in terms of behaviour.
First of all, what's with kids nowadays? I feel like they are not like the kids before. Last time, kids are brought up in an environment whereby they learn to respect each other and have basic manners and courtesy. They learn to say hello whenever they meet someone they know, a teacher or friend perhaps. They learn to say sorry when they did something wrong and not blame the other person. They learn to excuse themselves should they need to pass through a crowd. Well, you get the idea.
Now, it's the total opposite. They would just stick out their tongues and tease you whenever you ask them to say hello to someone. They would keep blaming the other person for something they did wrong. They would just push you to one side with disrespect when they want to pass through your path and thinks the path is all his. This has come off too far and it has started to piss me off.
I feel that parents play an important role here in making sure their kids are brought up well. In this constant-developing world, parents need to be in control of their kids since the world is evolving and is starting to become one heck of a place unlike last time. Kids need to be protected and educated on the good and bad and what is right and wrong.
So, in conclusion, kids, behave yourselves and parents, do something about this. This is starting to annoy me, period.
Anyway, I just got the David Archuleta shirt designed by one of the S'pore Archies. It's dang awesome! Haha! He's coming next Tuesday! Man how time flies! How exciting!
Until here then. Bye! Nash out! :D
Today, I would be talking about kids in general since I have noticed a certain trend in them in terms of behaviour.
First of all, what's with kids nowadays? I feel like they are not like the kids before. Last time, kids are brought up in an environment whereby they learn to respect each other and have basic manners and courtesy. They learn to say hello whenever they meet someone they know, a teacher or friend perhaps. They learn to say sorry when they did something wrong and not blame the other person. They learn to excuse themselves should they need to pass through a crowd. Well, you get the idea.
Now, it's the total opposite. They would just stick out their tongues and tease you whenever you ask them to say hello to someone. They would keep blaming the other person for something they did wrong. They would just push you to one side with disrespect when they want to pass through your path and thinks the path is all his. This has come off too far and it has started to piss me off.
I feel that parents play an important role here in making sure their kids are brought up well. In this constant-developing world, parents need to be in control of their kids since the world is evolving and is starting to become one heck of a place unlike last time. Kids need to be protected and educated on the good and bad and what is right and wrong.
So, in conclusion, kids, behave yourselves and parents, do something about this. This is starting to annoy me, period.
Anyway, I just got the David Archuleta shirt designed by one of the S'pore Archies. It's dang awesome! Haha! He's coming next Tuesday! Man how time flies! How exciting!
Until here then. Bye! Nash out! :D
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Hey peeps!
Nothing much to talk about so I'll just post what I found out about my horoscope in Facebook. Do you agree what it says about me? I agree with MOST of them. Haha! You be the judge. :)
Traditional Libra Traits
Diplomatic and urbane
Romantic and charming (this we'll have to see sometime in the future)
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable
On the dark side..
Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily infuenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent (not sure about this one. Haha!)
That's all folks! Nash out! :D
Nothing much to talk about so I'll just post what I found out about my horoscope in Facebook. Do you agree what it says about me? I agree with MOST of them. Haha! You be the judge. :)
Traditional Libra Traits
Diplomatic and urbane
Romantic and charming (this we'll have to see sometime in the future)
Easygoing and sociable
Idealistic and peaceable
On the dark side..
Indecisive and changeable
Gullible and easily infuenced
Flirtatious and self-indulgent (not sure about this one. Haha!)
That's all folks! Nash out! :D
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