Hey peeps!
I know it's been a while since I last blogged. Well, work calls. Haha! Anyway, I'll just share what I think of 2 movies which I had watched at the cinema recently.
First, it's Yes Man. Gosh this movie is really hilarious! I enjoyed every moment from the start till the end. Jim Carrey really lives up to the name of comedy based on this movie. Once again, like all the other funny movies he did, he sure did not fail to tickle every funny bone of everyone watching it in the cinema. If you want to lighten yourself up after a hard day or simply want to laugh, this movie is for you. It's great for a bunch of friends or family to watch!
Next is Twilight. All right, no offence but I don't see why everyone loves this movie so much, especially girls. This might sound biased, but from a boy's perspective, it's kind of cheezy (looks around for any girl in case I'm chased to be thrown rotten tomatoes at this point). I know, it's teenage romance. Maybe that's why girls like it. As for me, I just went with the flow when I watched it. If you like teenage romance and Edward Cullen, this is for you, I guess.
Gosh how time flies! It's already nearing the end of 2008! And it's officially one month and one week more to go for my attachment! Haha! Yay! The final report is due soon, but I have done most of it except for some parts and just needs some editing. There's also the group multimedia project. Hopefully, we'll able to get that done too asap.
Well, until here then. Bye! Nash out! :D