Sigh it's Monday. Monday Blues started setting in the moment I opened my eyes from my sleep. Gosh! Well, I guess the day turned out all right. Yay? Haha!
My first pay is going to come into my bank account soon. I'm so excited. I think I'm going to buy a couple of thumbdrives to store some of my HUGE data in my laptop (which causes it to lag) and sometimes it pisses me off but I bear with it since it's my first laptop ever (I love it). Also, a treat to dinner for my family is a must and maybe an outing with some friends (wherever they may be right now). Also, I'm going to hunt for that jacket that I want so badly. Ugh! Haha!
Well, from 1 October onwards, 4 more months to go. Ugh. Haha! But it's ok. Special days are coming ahead and I can't wait. Hehe!
Well, until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D