My 136th post..
Hey guys! Today's post is all about television and movies. Yup. Let me just review on the 2 recent movies I have watched ever since my vacation started.
The Seeker: The Dark is Rising
Initially I thought the story was good as I have watched the trailer before and the special effects were awesome. But when I watched it, I was only able to enjoy only the special effects. Itz a very simple plot and there is no feeling of excitement and climax. Itz like poof tatz it? Anyway, itz not not bad overall when the special effects are great like the dark fog and the main character's awesome powers. So you can choose to watch or not watch it. But since I like fantasies, itz cool with me. Oh, and in my opinion, the main character is kinda cute! Haha! :)
The Game Plan
Oh man! This movie is damn hilarious! Itz great for the whole family to enjoy and it amuses you. It teaches you the value of life and family. Moreover, there are also funny and wacky scenes that will make you tickle your funny bone. There are also some scenes which are emotional and touching. *wipes teardrop from eye* Overall itz great! :D
I think The Rock is a good actor although he was a wrestler. He can make a career from acting. Anyway, if you want a funny movie and to have the whole family watching it together, this is for you. :)

American Idol
As for American Idol, I totally love David Archuleta! He has a mature voice for his young age and he's totally an awesome and brilliant singer! I hope he can win the title of American Idol! Although there is stiff competition, in my opinion, he stands out from the rest. You rock my core man! If he has an album in the future, I'll definitely buy it coz he is amazing and his voice is just soothing and pleasant to listen to. U have my support David! I'll root for you all the way! :D
Well, until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D
As for American Idol, I totally love David Archuleta! He has a mature voice for his young age and he's totally an awesome and brilliant singer! I hope he can win the title of American Idol! Although there is stiff competition, in my opinion, he stands out from the rest. You rock my core man! If he has an album in the future, I'll definitely buy it coz he is amazing and his voice is just soothing and pleasant to listen to. U have my support David! I'll root for you all the way! :D
Well, until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D