Friday, June 29, 2007
Got my Taxation Common Test results today. I got 52.5/80. Not bad I guess. I juz realised I made a lot of careless mistakes in the paper. Damn. Anywayz, from this point, I'll work even harder for the examz. Examz, better watch out coz Im gonna pass your papers with good grades..
Other than that, nothing much happened today. Juz normal school routine. Then I went out my my mum and my younger sister at Jurong Point. Then went home. Then watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Part 2 on TV (at least there's sumtin interesting to watch on the last day b4 the weekend). Tatz pretty much it.
A pair of sneakers and a brown shirt with a great design. If only I had these..wait long2 Nash!
Until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
This week, Im getting my results for the Common Test. I did well for Business Law and Cost Accounting. My marks were 87/100 (i tink) for BLAW and 40/50 for Cost Accounting. Im happy and satisfied with these results. But not this one. Intermediate Financial Acc (IFA). Very depressing. I just got a mere 66/100. Really very depressing for me. Can you actually believe I could balance all my Balance Sheets for the revision qns but not for the Common Test. Watz more, there are careless errors here and there in my CT paper. Haiz. Well, watz done is done. Letz hope that my results for Taxation on Friday wont be as depressing as IFA.
So people, shld I be a Financial or Cost Accountant in the future? Hmm..
Anywayz, now the world is currently in danger. Why? Bcoz of Global Warming. Yes. Global Warming. Itz really a serious case now coz Im feeling the heat man! I mean, come on, the temperature is rising and there are effects happening in the world. Examples? Glaciers and polar caps are starting to melt and more rough weather in some countries. So, COME ON PEOPLE! LETZ DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! ITZ REALLY GETTING HOT! THE OZONE LAYER IS THINNING!
Also, I had a great time today! Jimmy and Yvonne, u both make my day man! U made me laugh and made my day pleasant. We joked a lot about things like small talk n other stuff in the library todae. Haha! Oh ya, and watched funny videos online too! Haha! Tanx again guys! U guys r the best! :D
Btw, Im addicted to the song, "Over It" by Katharine McPhee. I dunno y but I kept repeating the song a million times n it still sounds great to my ears, especially the chorus part. The rhythm is very cool yet touching. So, Im addicted to it! Ooh!
Well, until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D
Monday, June 25, 2007

Hello! Figured since I have time to blog now, might as well since I may b bz these few daes..haha!
Today is the first day of school. The first day started well, with Biz Etiquette n Image class. The teacher was very interesting and I kinda like the way she presents herself to the class and how fluently she speaks. So, first lesson, we had an ice-breaking game to noe about the other people in the class. Then, we learned how to introduce ourselves in a business situation. Kinda interesting. Hopefully, it gets better as the weeks go by..
After that, I went swimming at the school's swimming pool. Wow, itz very cool n refreshing especially when the weather was cooling! Not so hot n not so cold. Juz the right weather for swimming! I mean, hey we pay for the sports facilities so y not use it whenever we can, rite? I swam around 24 laps (1 lap=1 end to the other). However, my target was 20 laps today. So, Im vey proud of myself. *pats hand on the back* Hopefully, I can go swimming every monday or tuesday each week as these days r the only days I get to go swimming. Haha!
Until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Oh, watz more cool movies r comin out! I wanna watch them! But I doubt I have time to watch them coz of my busy school schedule. Anywayz here r e movies I wanna watch:
1) Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer
2) Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix
3) Transformers (coz the special effects r cool!)
However, I dun mind if anyone wantz to blanja me for the movies! Haha! :D
Until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D
Sunday, June 10, 2007