Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Wrath Of Raven..She's awesome and cool! :D
Alrite before my blog starts to rot, I better update it. Haha! Hope u guys are doin fine and everything is goin smoothly so far..

Gosh, how time flies. June is almost near. I mean ALMOST near. Haha! I guess for primary and secondary school peeps out there, u all can celebrate early coz e holidaes officially starts tomorrow! Well, for me, I still have 2 more weeks of school before my holidaes starts. What's more, the last week before the holidays is my common test! Gosh! Time to crack my notes and books and test myself before the week comes! I'll make sure I pass my common test with flying colours!

Well, ever since I got into the Accountancy course, I'm starting to like it a little a bit. I remembered when I first got my posting results. The word 'Accountancy' appeared on the screen of the monitor. I was shocked and speechless as I applied for a science course as my first choice. That was then. Now, I generally feel that it is alrite to be in tiz course. Moreover, one of my lecturers said that accountancy is generally the most fastest and professional job in the market. Im grateful that I got into tiz course and hope I can pursue a profession from this course as an accountant.

Wow! I just watched Singapore Idol juz now and saw Rahimah! Wow, girl! U were awesome out there! It can be very emotional at times during the competition but hey, I noe u can do it! Persevere til the end, beb! U have my support! :D

Well, until here peeps! Byez! Nash out! :D

Friday, May 19, 2006

I am feeling quite tired. I really dunno the reason why I am tired. Izzit because of school or my emotions? Hmm..This is quite puzzling. Im confused. Maybe I have not fully adapt to poly life yet, so maybe tatz y I am quite exhausted lately.

Well, wouldnt u noe it? Common Test is coming soon! Gosh! Itz only been a few weeks n they decided to give a test already? I mean like woh man! I still have to revise e concepts that I dont understand in some of the modules! Have to practise, practise, revise, revise until I can grasp the concept. Well I hope I do my very best for the test even though itz juz u noe, a test. Haha!

I cannot believe that Elliot is out from American Idol! First is Chris and now this! What in the world has happened man? Now the final showdown is between Taylor and Catharine. Who do u tink will win? U decide..

Well, until here then. Byez! Nash Out! :D

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hello comrades! Sorry i havent update my blog these past few days. I have been bz with my projects, lectures, tutorials and homework. Well, I tink a month or so has passed and I am still doing my best to adapt to poly life. So far, everything seems to to go smoothly, except for some setbacks here and there. However, I managed to overcome them.

Hmm..let me c..nutin much happened thiz wk. Juz school, school and school. Haha! Currently im giving tuition to my neighbour's neighbour as well as my younger sister. So far, everything is cool. I managed to help them with their primary school work. Haha! Well, there's nothing to blog about actually. Haha!

Well, until here then peeps! Byez! Nash out! :D

Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday, May 05, 2006

Finally itz fridae! Yeah to all who wanted the weekend so much! Well, tomorrow is the weekend! Haha!

Well, for starters, I am still adjusting to poly life as it is only been two weeks since I started school at poly. I guess poly life is a totally new experience from my secondary school daes. You have to REALLY be independent and find your own resources and manage your own time. Hmm..maybe 1st year students are usually busier than 2nd or 3rd year students in poly. Well, I heard that the 1st and 3rd years in poly are the most vital years. The process in poly life is like this (my opinion that is):

1)1st year: Concentrate on your studies and excel in every test and exam.
2)2nd year: Can slack a bit and enjoy poly life.
3) 3rd year: Crack your brains people! Final year!

I've met many different people with many different personalities in poly. Some are serious, some are humorous, some are friendly. Kinda made some frenz too in poly. Hope to make more frenz! Oh ya, this wk i've started my tutorials. Kinda like small grps in a classroom unlike the lectures where all the small grps combine to listen to the same content. Some of my tutors are my lecturers too. Haha! Well, got to noe them a bit more about them and overall, it was ok. Haha!

Well, until here then. Byez! Nash out! :D