Syukur alhamdulilah..I prayed and hoped for the best and here are my results from the GCE 'O' Level examinations:
English - B4
Mathematics (Elementary) - B3
Malay - A2
Science (Phy/Chem) - A1
Combined Humanities - B3
Principles of Accounts - B3
Design and Technology - B3
I totally love my science grade as it can help me to go to most of the science courses in the polytechnic. Thank you Mr Lee and Mdm Yeo for teaching both Chemistry and Physics respectively and helped me achieved an A1 for Combined Science! Moreover, my Malay improved one stage to an A2! Awesome! All my hard work put in during the four years has finally been paid off. Thanks once again to all the wonderful teachers who have taught me during these four years.
After sec sch, the next stage I intend to go is to the polytechnic. Most likely my choice would be Ngee Ann Poly as they have a Diploma in Pharmacy, which I intend to take. However, it is a decision between Ngee Ann Poly and Singapore Poly as both polys have courses that I want. Haha! I hope I can get into this course. That would be my first choice. Hope I can see my good buddies again in the same polytechnic..cheers frm me to all of you! Byez for now! Mueez! :D